Monday, December 12, 2011

TED Speaker Franco Sacchi

     When you think about Africa, you think of it as a place of wide-open landscape with exotic animals and deserts, but did you know that Africa has one of the largest film industries in the world. With 872 feature length films released in 2006, Nigeria became the second largest film producer in the world. Italian film director, Franco Sacchi, saw this booming industry and decided to make a documentary giving insight to all that happens in Nollywood.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Netflix Loses 800,000 Customers

Netflix is, in my opinion, one of the greatest things that have happened to movies. The ability to watch almost any movie any time has changed the way we watch movies. However, in the recent months the company has made a few changes, and with the changes came upset for the subscribers to their service.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rango Review

For the first post on this blog, I decided to do a review on the movie Rango. As soon as I saw the trailer for this movie, I knew I wanted to see it. Though I never got around to see it in the theater, I did buy it on Bluray. I must say that this is by far the most highly detailed animated film I have ever seen. The way the characters stride or even just how the hair or feathers lay looks so realistic.