Friday, May 25, 2012

Amazon Created a 'Never Before on DVD' Store

        Amazon is making a bold move in the right direction with their new ‘Never Before on DVD’ store by bringing back older film, which have never been released on DVD. The service literally makes DVDs and packaging after you have ordered them. Among its 2,000 titles initially offered are movies from the vaults of Disney, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. The service allows for content providers to offer movies on DVD that it might not be economically wise to mass-produce. Rather than eliminating these titles to digital on-demand services, Amazon's CreateSpace will produce the discs on an order-by-order basis, meaning there are no concerns about unsold stock. I personally am looking forward to this because hopefully studios will stop locking away movies from releasing. It was also mentioned that Nickelodeon will also take part in this new store. That is the main thing I’m looking forward to because soon I’ll be able to watch all those great shows from the 90’s. Amazon has also announced that it has struck a deal with Paramount Pictures to offer "hundreds" of its movies via the Prime Instant Video service, including titles like Mission Impossible 3, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Top Gun to customers who have ponied up for the $79-a-year service. The agreement is good for the next three years, though the window for when new movies will become available on the service looks like it will be fairly long, if the titles Amazon has name checked are any indication. In my opinion this is a great step to bring back the old movies, we shouldn’t just lock them up in a ‘vault’. Also, I hope they create the option to put your own material on amazon and have them basically become your independent distributor. 

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