Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan never ceases to amaze me with his incredible visual talent to bring such an iconic comic book character into today’s world. If you haven’t had a chance to see The Dark Knight Rises, then I highly suggest you do so immediately.
There may have been a few small plot holes that could have been explained more, but what it all comes down to is that it is a movie and simply sitting through a 10 hour long cut of the movie to have everything explained in detail, would be quite boring. The film has remained at the top of the box office since its release on July 20, which brings the grand total amount ticket sales to about $347,000,000 making it the twentieth highest grossing film of all time and it is still selling out theaters. In addition to the film looking cinematographically spectacular, it was partially filmed on IMAX cameras to fully immerse you into the heart of Gotham City.

The Dark Knight Rises is squarely a Christopher Nolan show; the movie is an epic farewell to an epic franchise, a production that is as big as summer blockbusters can be, but much deeper than your typical Hollywood fare. In hindsight it is clear that Nolan was building to something like this from the start, the perfect ending that wraps up the story of Gotham, its citizens and Batman in grand fashion. The best part about the movie is that it's unpredictable. Rumors have been circulating for years over who is who and what will happen at the end and it's not until deep into the movie, and if you grew up reading Batman comic books, will you realize how things will turn out. Most comic book movies don't offer that kind of mystery, and that's what makes this a special film. 

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